Need of Grease Trap Cleaning and Maintenance
Grease trap is a not a new thing as it has been widely used across the world since the 19th century to seize oils, fats and greases and ultimately prevent them from entering the wastewater sewage system. Grease trap cleaning is an essential process in commercial kitchens, restaurants and catering business as these are the places responsible for emitting high amount of processed food and potential of introducing large quantities of grease in sewage pipelines. Hence it’s hard to ignore the importance of grease traps which has been helping commercial kitchens and other food and beverage operations to protect sewage systems and the environment.
Varies in sizes from 30 liters to metric tons, grease traps are commonly located outside of a main building, in the ground near a commercial kitchen’s dishwashing stations or basements. If you have been using grease traps since long, its proper maintenance is a must-to-do task.
Grease Trap Cleaning
There are many ways in which a non-functioning grease trap can affect your business. Its proper maintenance is important or else it may leak oils and fats into the sewage system. Once these oils and fats cool down, they harden within the sewage pipelines and possibly causing obstructions and sewage back-up into the kitchen. This can adversely affect the sanitary level of the kitchen and can make unexpected plumbing expenses.
Grease Trap Maintenance
In order to ensure proper grease trap cleaning, there are a number of cleaning and maintenance steps that need to be cared, such as:
• Properly maintaining a regular periodic grease trap cleaning schedule by using the proper equipment
• Thoroughly inspecting grease trap vital apparatuses such as baskets, strainers, screes and gaskets for warnings of rust, wear or leakages.
• Draining traps through grease trap pumping through given buttons
• Scratching all sides of grease traps to ensure its cleaning and replacing the damaged parts to ensure its long-run use
• Proper cleaning of pipelines should be done prior and after the grease trap using a high pressure water jet. This type of cleaning method require a hose with powerful jets to be inserted into the pipeline, removing any traces of solid fats or debris that generally hinder regular grease trap operation.
There are several different concerns showcase the importance of having your grease traps regularly maintained includes health and safety, impact on environment and maintenance of rules and regulations. Because of these reasons, businesses should take essential steps to ensure proper documented grease trap maintenance including identifying and recognizing all grease trap maintenance needs, availing grease trap service from experts and taking all required precautions for preventive maintenance rather than a grease trap malfunctions.
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