
Showing posts from September, 2021

Importance of Maintaining Grease Trap Systems

In New York, grease trap cleaning is vital for preventing grease build up and odors around your work place. If your grease trap has stopped working efficiently, it’s best to trust a reliable company that can help you with the proper tools, chemicals and regular maintenance schedule. Restaurants, hotels and resorts etc have so much of grease waste in comparison to average homes; hence cleaning the traps is frequently needed.  If your dry well is blocked due to residue like, fat, oil and solid waste that comes out from cooking areas, you’ll need immediate cleaning to cut future losses. If the problem is worse, the professional may suggest you dry well installation . Dry wells give downspout water a place to go if existing grading does not allow for water run-off or if there are hard escape problems. Installing a dry well is not hard but it is labor intensive if you do not have access to a backhoe or digging machine. Importance of Grease Traps New York grease trap systems are used for co